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Visit Monsieur and get the attire that suits you lifestyle, with 15% discount.

Monsieur Collections consists of lightweight suits and fabrics like linen, crisp white shirts, dress pants, smart shoes, and basic staples all make for versatile, timeless pieces that can be incorporated with trending items.


Bally & Clarke

Get 5% discount on whiskeys, champagnes, wines and gifts & 10% discount on deliveries on purchases above P1,000 outside CBD, Gaborone.

Drinking fine alcohol is an indulgence like no other, it's a matter of taste. At Bally & Clarke we house a plethora of strictly premium and exotic alcoholic beverages for people who pursue the finer things in life. Whether it's Scottish Whiskey, Swedish Vodka, Mexican Tequila or French wines, we put forth only the finest liquor. And because simplicity is everything, we deliver right to your doorstep.

Join in on one of the popular quarterly tasting events where you will discover just what makes premium liquor truly timeless and how to unlock it's potential.


Mma Bolao

Get up to 10% off and enjoy a peaceful sleep - every night

At MmaBolao you will soon discover how passionate everyone is about your sleep. Get professional assistance to determine your personal comfort levels when you invest in a new bed.
