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Why you need this

When travelling abroad, it is always a good idea to have some cash in that country's local currency. Not only will you save on costs (in most cases) but you will also be able to transact in many more places than you would using foreign notes for that country.

It is recommended that you order your foreign notes at least 24 hours before you want to take delivery of them.


Due to the cost involved in handling cash, foreign notes are not sold or repurchased at the same rate as other foreign transactions.

The transactions will always be determined by the pevailing quoted exchange rate. Check the pricing guides for more information.

Pricing Guide

Qualifying criteria

Have an FNB Account

Documents needed

  • Your identification document (Omang) / passport

Foreign notes

Get the currency you need

Anyone travelling abroad can benefit from having some foreign currency available to pay for refreshments, taxis, tips and other small items.

Why you need this

Make travel hassle free

When travelling abroad, it is always a good idea to have some cash in that country's local currency.



Know the rate

Due to the cost involved in handling cash, foreign notes are not sold or repurchased at the same rate as other foreign transactions.

Getting it made easy