Accounts must be in good standing* to qualify for FNB Cashback Rewards. FNB Cashback Rewards are for free, however you have an option to opt out** from the rewards programme.
*An account that is in good standing means it isn't overdrawn, in arrears or in default, and you aren't undergoing sequestration or any legal process. This applies to all FNB Namibia and WesBank Accounts.
**Consent means you have not selected the option to 'opt out' of the messages we've sent you.
With FNB Cashback Rewards, you'll get cash back paid into your Savings Pocket
every month. You can save your money, or spend it on whatever you need, whenever
you want! Getting rewarded is easy - let's show you how.
See if you meet the requirements.
You need an active FNB cheque account to start earning Cashback Rewards. Remember, your account must be in good standing to qualify for rewards.
Once you've qualified, the second step is to move up reward levels by choosing any of
the goals available to your account. You can do this easily and earn more money every
month by taking up additional products from FNB - there are up to 8 goals that can help
you move up the ranks.
Once you've qualifed and your reward level has been determined, you'll be ready to start earning and saving on a
monthly basis. Each time you move up a reward level, you'll receive more money in your Linked Savings Pocket.
The rewards table shows the different amounts that you could earn cash back into your Savings Pocket.
You can transfer the Cashback Rewards you've earned
to your FNB Account from your Savings Pocket and
spend it on whatever you need e.g., swipe for groceries
. Or, if you prefer, you can leave your cashback in your
Savings Pocket and let it grow as you earn more
Cashback Rewards.
Have any one or more of the following FNB Lifestyle accounts, with a minimum monthly deposit, these include: